Matt Fore is a Speaker.
A Hilarious Speaker, but still, a Speaker.
Maybe that’s because I am one and have been for twenty-eight years.
Entrepreneurs are passionate people. They are not expecting a check on Friday unless they have earned it. They know their product or service inside and out and are driven to serve.
If there is a problem, And there is, it’s that while entrepreneurs know their stuff, they often don’t connect well, communicate well or effectively deliver their message to a high percentage of people who would actually buy. Their message is lost in a sea of noise.
It's like the broken link in the chain of success.
That’s where I come in; to repair that link and help them make the connection so the benefit is delivered and the income is earned.
Business is communication. Get that right and any entrepreneur has a tremendous opportunity to win.
“A pleasure to watch him work the room.”
Barbara Baros – Aflac – Corpus Christi-TX
“Doubled over with laughter while weaving
in our message.”
Paul Rozelle – TIAA-CREFF – Charlotte NC
SPEAKING TOPICS for Live & Virtual Events
Finding Peace –
How to Live in Confidence, Crush Confusion, and Become Who God Created You To Be
Do you live in fear of the future? Do you wonder if life can ever feel safe? Maybe you are searching for your purpose but wonder if it even exists.
Many people search their whole lives for answers to these dilemmas and never find them. The truth is you do have a purpose and when you live in it you will find the maximum usefulness and happiness.
In this message, you’ll hear psychological and biblical evidence to that end as well as practical actions you can take now to make it a reality in your life.
Break Out Sessions Available
Burnout, fatigue, stress and anxiety are the silent thieves of productivity. Today’s workaholic society often measures time spent at work rather than results. This accepted norm of busyness, overwhelm and multitasking is at the cost of relationships, health and eventually profit.
This Keynote uncovers the psychological and therefore personal value of the rested and energized mind. It highlights the irrefutable value of work that is ripe with purpose and measurable reward.
Some of the ideas expressed come from expanded views on my published articles in and including “Ignore the Cynics – Hope is Your Greatest Asset,” and “5 Ridiculously Easy Things You Can Do Every Day to Feel Happy,” with more than 35,000 shares.
Ideas will also be shared from my ongoing and popular page “Happy Anyway,” currently enjoyed by more than 10,000 followers.
Stress Less for More Success
Break Out Sessions Available
In this highly entertaining, sometimes hilarious presentation, I will shine a spotlight on a results-driven, practical pathway of communication that helps entrepreneurs connect with the people who actually buy.
Based on tried and true experience from coaching, content creation and 28 years in the trenches, I will offer practical steps and lots of encouragement to navigate through our ever-changing pivot of virtual communication streams.
STAND OUT Communication rises ABOVE the common, never ending and irritating pitch. It stirs the emotions, it magnetizes instead of repels, it generates irresistible curiosity, it emphasizes value over price and guides those in need to a real solution…your solution.
STAND OUT Communication That Delivers Outstanding RESULTS
Break Out Sessions Available
"Sweet sarcasm, magical surprises and
encouraging the message was spot on and so well received. Thank you for putting this event on the top of my 25-year list.”
Candy Joyce
Director - MTAR
Middle TN Realtors Association
"If you want to laugh...he's your man."
Dr. Gary Chapman - Author
"The Five Love Languages."
"FANTASTIC and so much fun."
Connie Frisbee
Event Director
Newport Utilities, Newport TN
"The unanimous opinion was to have a Matt Fore Sequel at our next Gala."
Dan Butchee
Tulsa OK
"I knew it was going to be good. I didn't know it was going to be that good."
George Valverde
Good Samaritan Health Services
Annual Gala Chair - Tulsa OK
"Absolutely the smartest thing I've ever done for my business."
Darrel Barrie - Hammonton NJ
"A home run for anyone who wants to increase their business."
Scott Francis - Charlotte NC
“Absolutely teeming with practical, attainable strategies."
Gary Wade - Janoesboro, IN
I’m a writer, a lecturer and a small business coach and I love to equip entrepreneurs to STAND OUT in their communication and to attract and serve the clients who actually buy.
My message comes from twenty-eight years as a full-time entrepreneur and from painful investments in personal coaching while driving an old car with a cracked windshield.
My insights come from a combination of intense and personal time with the finest experts in the field, combined with a sizable degree of scratching, clawing, throwing small objects, elation, defeat and a tenacious attitude to never quit until I find out what works.
I’ve been honored to write many articles on mindset and communication for, The Huffington Post, The Christian Leadership Alliance and where I currently serve as a contributor.
For more than two decades I’ve spoken and entertained with practical (And hilarious, if I do say so myself) messages from the main stages of conferences for such companies as TIAA-CREF, Stingray Boats and Aflac to name a few.
In addition to speaking, training and writing, I have also served as the After-Dinner entertainment for corporate events around the country, and watched them laugh their heads off at the stand-up comedy and sleight of hand feats of wonder.
Motto: “Not a Dry Seat in the House.”
I’ve been privileged to performed for Carnival Cruise Lines, The Magic Castle in Hollywood and on several national television shows for Odyssey, TNN, TBN and Fox Sports.
I live in Johnson City Tennessee with my lovely redheaded author wife Jo Ann. We have three or four daughters. I’m not sure because I spend much of my time on the road.