1 hour and 50 minutes
REGIFTED: A hilarious cut and restored man’s necktie. Great for banquets. It is the trick they will be talking about after the show!
COIN IN BOTTLE: Designed for platform and uses “No Switch!” Read that again!
SILK TO EGG: With a new, super easy invisible switch. you’re gonna want to perform this in every show.
BURNT BILL IN WALLET: Performance only with tips and patter. A classic.
ARM CHOPPER: The gags, the jokes, the disgusting story. It will leave your audience in stitches.
“ONE DAY IN MIAMI:” A fantastic closer called “One Day in Miami” where three items vanish and reappear instantly. Super easy to perform.
THE CARD DUCK: A discussion on “The Card Duck.” Great comedy magic and a powerful kick with a marked card.
CHINESE STICKS: Performance and ridiculous patter only.
THE MUTILATED PARASOL: A hilarious routine with an easy switch that leaves the top of the umbrella in the kid’s hand.
THE CHAIR SUSPENSION: Very funny stuff you should have thought of.
THE SLIDING DISK: Matt’s performance and patter only. A trick that always leaves the kids screaming with delight.
MFE Productions / Matt Fore Entertainment
(423) 926-7683 | Matt@MattFore.com | MattFore.com